Peek Replay & Survey Shopify App (Review)

Peek Replay & Survey Shopify App (Review)

Let's discover a powerful Shopify app called Peek Replay and Survey. I briefly mentioned this gem in a previous video, and now it's time to explore its capabilities. In a nutshell, Peek Replay enables you to replay full session recordings of your website visitors. It's like having a backstage pass to understand your customers better—what they're looking at, where their cursor hovers, and how they navigate. The app doesn't just showcase sessions; it delivers valuable data, facilitates post-purchase surveys, and provides essential metrics.

Getting Started

Excitement brews as we embark on this journey. With a seven-day free trial offering 100 unique visitors per month for session recording, Shopify integration, and ticket support, it seems promising. The subscription, post-trial, costs $29 per month, accompanied by some additional features. The app has garnered positive reviews, making it even more enticing.

First Impressions and Setup

As our online store reels in about 2000 daily visitors, the prospect of recording and analyzing their interactions becomes intriguing. The setup is straightforward, and within moments, I'm granted 200 free sessions—an encouraging start.

Navigating the Interface

With session recording enabled, I explore our website, eager to witness the user experience firsthand. The interface provides detailed insights, segmenting sessions into various categories like longer than a minute, less than a minute, and returning visitors.

Analysing Sessions

The real magic happens when we watch the recorded sessions. From a two-minute exploration to a three-minute visit, we uncover user behaviors. Peek Replay skips idle time, focusing on the substance of each session. Interestingly, it even detects potential bots or connectivity issues, adding an extra layer of analysis.

User Engagement and Response

Observing users interacting with our site, playing songs on their instruments, and exploring various tabs is fascinating. The app's ability to reveal not just what users see but how they engage opens up new possibilities for tailoring our website's content.

Post-Purchase Surveys

The inclusion of post-purchase surveys is a valuable feature. Though we haven't explored it extensively yet, the potential to gather customer feedback directly from the sessions adds a customer-centric dimension to our strategy.

Final Thoughts

In the short time I've spent with Peek Replay, I'm already captivated by its capabilities. The granular insights into user behavior, preferences, and potential pain points empower us to enhance our website continually. Removing guesswork, we can now make informed decisions to improve the overall customer experience.


For any e-commerce store looking to improve its understanding of customer behaviour and their website, Peek Replay is a must-try. The depth of insights it provides can be a game-changer in optimizing your website for increased engagement and conversions.

As I immerse myself further into this treasure trove of data, I'm excited about the improvements we can implement. Stay tuned for more updates on how Peek Replay transforms our online store. If you're on a similar journey of optimising your e-commerce business, I'd love to hear your experiences and insights.

Up Next: The BEST Bundling & Upsell Shopify Apps (Guide)

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